Pretty brunette girl smiling, trying on sunglasses in optical shop, asking boyfriend if they suit her, trying to find perfect eyewear before going on vacation to sea. Girl in store enjoys shopping

3 Benefits of Photochromatic Sunglasses

Wearing prescription sunglasses can be a bit of a hassle, particularly if you travel light. Not only are you usually going indoors and outside throughout the day, but the sun can dart in and out of clouds without much warning. Photochromatic sunglasses in Champaign, IL, change based on your eye’s exposure to light, and they can help you solve a few problems at once. We’ll look at the major benefits and where you can get a pair that fits your lifestyle.

1. Convenient

With photochromatic sunglasses there’s no need to carry around different sets of glasses or to have to keep switching back and forth if you’re constantly transitioning from inside to outside. If you’re used to foregoing sunglasses, this also means less eye strain throughout the day to adjust to the sun.

2. Better Vision in Low Light

It can be easy to keep your sunglasses on, even when the light starts to die. Photochromatic reduces the tint automatically, so you won’t have to worry about your vision even as the light changes.

3. UV Protection

The sun can be both good and bad for your eyes, but in general, you do need some degree of UV protection. With photochromatic sunglasses, the lenses immediately darken to protect your eyes from the rays.

Find Photochromatic Prescription Sunglasses in Champaign

It’s worth noting that not all photochromatic sunglasses function the same way, so it helps to know what you can expect from each brand and lens before you buy. If you’re looking for an eye doctor in Champaign, IL, who can help you find the right sunglasses for your eyes, visit Champaign Eye Professionals for an evaluation.

Does My Eye Doctor Need to Know the Supplements I’m Taking?

Vitamins and supplements have become a way of life for many people. These extras can help us get the extra nutrients we might not always get from our regular diets. Of course, if they’re sold over the counter, it’s easy to discount their importance (or even forget which ones you’re taking).

However, when you visit the doctor, whether it’s your primary doctor or your eye doctor in Champaign, IL, it’s essential to be upfront with them and to make a complete list of what you’re taking. We’ll look at why below.


When a food like grapefruit can interfere with cholesterol medications, you can imagine specific vitamins and supplements could do the same. If you’re given any type of prescription, supplements, and vitamins may either make the medicine less effective or lead to more severe side effects.

Better Recommendations

The recommendations for vitamins and supplements should be considered generic advice for the average person. If you’re at risk for certain diseases, such as age-related macular degeneration, you may need to adjust your dosage or eliminate certain types of vitamins.

Eye Doctors in Champaign, IL

When you take vitamins and supplements (as long as they’re purchased from a reputable supplier), you’re not taking tremendous risks. They may not always have the life-changing effects they often promise, but they also won’t necessarily hurt you either.

If you have questions about how to take them to reap the best benefits, a routine eye exam in Champaign, IL, can give you advice based on your individual eye health history. At Champaign Eye Professionals, our staff can evaluate the vitamins and supplements against the test results and help you make changes to ensure the best outcome.

What Is a Cortical Cataract?

While millions of people will experience cataracts throughout their lives, not everyone will have the same type of cataract. If you’ve heard the term cortical, we’ll look at what it means, how it differs from other types of cataracts, and what you can do to abate or eliminate the disorder.


What Are Cortical Cataracts?

There are three types of cataracts that you can get: cortical, nuclear, and posterior subcapsular. They are differentiated based on where the clouding of the lens occurs. An eye doctor in Champaign, IL, can explain that with a cortical cataract, the yellowing of the lens starts in the outer layer. Cortical cataracts are the ones most associated with diabetes?

Are Cortical Cataracts the Most Common Form of Cataracts?

No. The nuclear cataract is the most common type of cataract. The nuclear cataract starts in the central part of the lens and is usually caused by the general aging process.

What Are the Symptoms of Cortical Cataracts?

The most common symptom is light sensitivity, which is caused by the disruption of the lens fibers via the protein clusters. This scatters the light you see and can sometimes lead to glare. It’s worth noting that while there is no known cause for cataracts, they have been linked to smoking and poor diets.

Visit an Eye Doctor in Champaign, IL

If you’re looking for an eye doctor for a cataract evaluation in Champaign, IL, who can help you learn more about how your eyes are progressing, visit the team at Champaign Eye Professionals. In some cases, you may be able to reduce the symptoms of your cataracts via eyewear or lifestyle changes. For others, they may need surgery to help clear up the clouding of the lens.

Ophthalmologist examining patient's eyes

What Are Demodex Mites and Do They Contribute to Dry Eyes?

If you’re one of the millions of people who suffer from dry eyes, you may already know that the causes are not always easy to identify. From excess screen time to gland dysfunction, the reality is that that stinging, burning sensation could be coming from anywhere. If you know nothing about Demodex mites, you might want to learn more about these microscopic creatures and how they can impact your eyesight.


What Are Demodex Mites?

Demodex mites are small, wormlike creatures that live on both the skin and eyelashes. They’re usually fueled by the dead cells and oils in your body, and while they may be unpleasant to think about, they are usually harmless. However, if they have the chance to multiply, they can cause anything from skin to eyelid inflammation.

Do Demodex Mites Lead to Dry Eyes?

Yes, Demodex mites can cause burning, itching, redness, and crusting of eyelids that translate to dry eyes. If you feel like you constantly have something in your eyes but can’t identify the source, it could be an overgrowth of these mites. Dry eyes in Champaign, IL, are a harmless condition on the surface in that they won’t typically lead to eye damage or more serious eye diseases. However, dry eyes can impair your ability to perform critical activities, like driving, so it’s important to get your dry eyes checked out.

See an Eye Doctor in Champaign

The right eye doctor in Champaign, IL can assess the severity of your dry eyes and recommend solutions for the problem. If you do have Demodex mites, it may just be as simple as using a medicated scrub or ointment to kill off the mites. To schedule an evaluation contact Champaign Eye Professionals today!

How to Reduce Eye Strain During Work

Eye strain at work is exceptionally common, regardless of what industry you’re in. When most people are required to use screens on a regular basis, it’s only natural for the eyes to start to feel the toll. Of course, these aren’t the only professions that lead to eye strain, though. Drivers, doctors, and even park rangers may start to blink away tears by the end of the day. We’ll look at how to reduce the strain when you’re at work.

Tips for Reducing Eye Strain
In addition to taking regular breaks and gettingregular eye exams in Champaign, IL, here are a few tips that can help you optimize your work environment:

Adjust your light: Use lower-intensity bulbs, shut the blinds, and turn non-essential lights off. When you think of a typical office setting with fluorescent lighting everywhere, your goal is to be about half that.
Buy a new monitor: An anti-glare monitor can do wonders to reduce your eye strain. You should also adjust the brightness until it’s white but not glowing. The tints should be more red and orange than blue.
Blink more: The more you blink, the more you moisten your eyes. This cuts out irritation and gives your eyes a much-needed break as you go about your day. You should also try focusing on an object around 20 feet away every 20 minutes to break up the close contact between your eyes and the screen.
See Your Eye Doctor in Champaign, IL
What’s the best lighting for you? How should you adjust the resolution based on your eyes? Do you need anti-reflective glasses? These questions are all best answered by aneye doctor in Champaign, IL. To set up an appointment and get your questions answered, contact us today to get the ball rolling.

How to Choose a Cataract Surgeon

Cataract surgery is one of the most common procedures that you can ever sign up for. Fast, simple, and relatively painless for the patient, it’s billed as nearly foolproof for anyone who needs it. Of course, despite the straightforward nature of cataract surgery, these are still your eyes. If you want to reduce the odds of a complication, we’ll look at how to make a better decision.

Expertise in the Optical Industry
Surgery is a field that changes quite often, particularly as new technology debuts in the operating room. If you’re working with an older surgeon who has been taught a certain way, they may not have all the facts.

This doesn’t mean that you should find a younger surgeon, but it may mean asking the surgeon more questions about what they offer and comparing it to other surgical practices in the area. For example, not everyeye doctor in Champaign, IL, will offer the type of intraocular lens that would help your vision the most. If you’re confused about exactly where to start, consider asking your current optometrist for their professional opinion.

Cataract Surgeons in Champaign, IL
Cataract surgery in Champaign, IL, is more than just the main event. You need to be comfortable with the staff so you can get your questions answered and keep up with your appointment schedule. If you feel uncomfortable when you visit, or you find yourself doubting the information you’re getting, it can cause you more grief than it’s worth.

If you’re looking for acataract evaluation in Champaign, IL, contact Champaign Eye Professionals today to make an appointment. In addition to assessing your eyes for this common condition, we can be a springboard to help you find a surgeon who can help you see more clearly.

Is Colorblindness a Symptom of a More Serious Eye Disorder?

Color blindness is a condition that millions of people all over the world live with every single day. However, if you’ve never experienced it before or you’re unfamiliar with the disorder, you may start to wonder if there’s something more behind the mixups. Here, we look at what color blindness is and when it may signify something more dangerous.

What Is Color Blindness?
Color blindness in Champaign, IL, is typically connected to the cones in the eyes, as these are the cells that sense color. If you don’t have all three cone cells or those that respond to red, green, and blue, you can end up mistaking green for red or blue for yellow. Color blindness can also be caused by nonfunctional cone cells, which, depending on the disorder, may result in a far milder version of this disorder.

Is Color Blindness Serious?
Typically, color blindness isn’t serious, especially in children. It can usually be managed fairly easily, though you may need to invest in special glasses or contacts to offset its effects. However, if you’re experiencing color blindness in addition to other issues, such as blurry vision, it may be related to glaucoma, macular degeneration, or diabetic retinopathy. If you’ve noticed major changes in your line of vision beyond the ability to detect hues, these disorders are serious enough to warrant an emergency trip to aneye doctor in Champaign, IL.

Treating Color Blindness in Champaign, IL
No matter what’s behind your (or a loved one’s) color blindness, it’s worth getting an expert opinion. At Champaign Eye Professionals, we can give you a comprehensive eye exam to settle the matter once and for all. Contact us today to schedule an appointment so you can rest a little easier.

What Medical Conditions Can Affect Vision?

While it is known that diabetes is related to vision problems like diabetic retinopathy that can lead to blindness, it is not the only disease that may impact vision and eye health.

When you visit your eye doctor in Champaign, IL, discuss with us any health concerns or medical problems you have, and let us know about the medications you take regularly.

Overall Health Can Affect Vision

Your vision can be affected by medical diagnoses, diet, lifestyle, and even seasonal allergies or weather conditions. If you experience vision changes or report eye pain, unexplained headaches, or blurry vision, we’ll work with you to determine the cause and provide the best possible solutions for your eyes and eyesight.

Causes of Vision Problems

Nearly half of all people with a visual disability are aged 65 or older, according to AARP, but serious eye problems are not necessarily related to aging.

Monitor Your Vision

Be aware of visual changes that might indicate an underlying serious condition.

Double Vision

If it disappears when you cover one eye, it could be an early sign of a stroke or aneurysm. Seek medical attention.

Eye Pain

Persistent eye pain might indicate an injury or infection. But sudden pain might also indicate a retinal tear or a detached retina that requires immediate attention.


Eye inflammation may just be a sign you’re overtired or stressed, but it can also be the first sign of a shingles infection or an inflammatory disease like lupus or rheumatoid arthritis.

Persistent Flashes or Floaters

A professional should check black dots or squiggly lines in your line of sight, particularly if they impede normal activity.

Dry or Itchy Eyes

This might indicate too much screen time. Give your eyes a rest, or try soothing eye drops.

Chronic medical conditions can affect eye health, and your primary care physician or medical specialist will no doubt recommend that you visit an eyecare professional for an assessment.

Elderly man examined by an ophthalmologist

Taking Care of Older Eyes

As you age, your eyes also age. Just like other parts of the body, your eyes need special consideration when they get older. Youroptometrist in Champaign, IL, has some tips on caring for older eyes so you can enjoy the best possible eyesight well into the golden years.

Avoid Cataracts

Statistics say that over 90% of people aged 65 and older will develop cataracts. Because of this high percentage, many people believe that cataracts are inevitable. However, many people never develop cataracts, and there’s no reason you can’t be among the lucky few.

Cataracts in Champaign, IL and other places develop with the proteins in the eye’s lens clump together as they break down with age. But if you take certain precautions, you can delay or prevent this from happening by:

  • wear sunglasses every day
  • quit smoking
  • eat healthy
  • avoid excess alcohol intake

Avoid Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetes is a disease that affects millions of people around the world. This underlying condition can lead to diabetic retinopathy, where your very eyesight is jeopardized. Rather than lose your eyesight, be sure to have your blood sugar checked on a regular basis. If you have diabetes, let your optometrist know so they can check for symptoms of diabetic retinopathy.

Avoid Glaucoma

Glaucoma is another thief of eyesight. Unchecked glaucoma has the potential to cause partial or total blindness. Older folks, in particular, need to have regular glaucoma tests in Champaign, IL, at every eye exam. Since early detection can save vision, a good rule of thumb is to get a glaucoma test once every six months, at a minimum.

Older eyes do better with tender, loving care and attention. For more eyecare tips from yourChampaign, IL optometrist, please contact us today to book your appointment.

4 Myths About LASIK

The next time you visit your optometrist, be sure to ask aboutLASIK in Champaign, IL. If you wear eyeglasses or contact lenses, there’s a chance that your vision can be permanently adjusted using the advanced technology of LASIK. You’ll almost certainly have questions about this procedure, so here are some myths you must also be aware of.

1. You’ll Never Need Glasses Again

Every person’s experience with LASIK differs. Spending upon your eyesight, to begin with, LASIK may not completely eliminate the need to wear glasses ever again. Some people who get LASIK find that they still need reading glasses for close-up work such as reading or sewing.

2. LASIK is Too Dangerous

LASIK was developed out of hard work and 50 years of research before it was finally approved as a vision correction procedure by the FDA in 1999. Since then, with an extremely high success rate, LASIK has been performed on countless individuals worldwide. Like any surgery, LASIK carries risks, but these risks have been minimized, and LASIK is considered to be very safe.

3. LASIK Doesn’t Last

LASIK is a physical correction of eyesight with permanent effects. They do not wear off. What does change is people’s eyes over time. A person is still susceptible to all the changes that can happen with aging, including macular degeneration, cataracts, and more. Because of this, other treatments may be needed years later, such as eyeglasses, cataract removal, and similar.

4. LASIK is Very Painful

Most patients feel little to no pain during LASIK. There may be a sensation of pressure, but since numbing drops are used, the pain level is low to non-existent. Also, the recovery time is very short, with many people returning to their normal routine after just one day.

Contact youroptometrist in Champaign, IL, at Champaign Eye Professionals. We’ll answer all your questions and see if you are a good candidate for LASIK.