Elderly man examined by an ophthalmologist

Taking Care of Older Eyes

As you age, your eyes also age. Just like other parts of the body, your eyes need special consideration when they get older. Youroptometrist in Champaign, IL, has some tips on caring for older eyes so you can enjoy the best possible eyesight well into the golden years.

Avoid Cataracts

Statistics say that over 90% of people aged 65 and older will develop cataracts. Because of this high percentage, many people believe that cataracts are inevitable. However, many people never develop cataracts, and there’s no reason you can’t be among the lucky few.

Cataracts in Champaign, IL and other places develop with the proteins in the eye’s lens clump together as they break down with age. But if you take certain precautions, you can delay or prevent this from happening by:

  • wear sunglasses every day
  • quit smoking
  • eat healthy
  • avoid excess alcohol intake

Avoid Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetes is a disease that affects millions of people around the world. This underlying condition can lead to diabetic retinopathy, where your very eyesight is jeopardized. Rather than lose your eyesight, be sure to have your blood sugar checked on a regular basis. If you have diabetes, let your optometrist know so they can check for symptoms of diabetic retinopathy.

Avoid Glaucoma

Glaucoma is another thief of eyesight. Unchecked glaucoma has the potential to cause partial or total blindness. Older folks, in particular, need to have regular glaucoma tests in Champaign, IL, at every eye exam. Since early detection can save vision, a good rule of thumb is to get a glaucoma test once every six months, at a minimum.

Older eyes do better with tender, loving care and attention. For more eyecare tips from yourChampaign, IL optometrist, please contact us today to book your appointment.

4 Myths About LASIK

The next time you visit your optometrist, be sure to ask aboutLASIK in Champaign, IL. If you wear eyeglasses or contact lenses, there’s a chance that your vision can be permanently adjusted using the advanced technology of LASIK. You’ll almost certainly have questions about this procedure, so here are some myths you must also be aware of.

1. You’ll Never Need Glasses Again

Every person’s experience with LASIK differs. Spending upon your eyesight, to begin with, LASIK may not completely eliminate the need to wear glasses ever again. Some people who get LASIK find that they still need reading glasses for close-up work such as reading or sewing.

2. LASIK is Too Dangerous

LASIK was developed out of hard work and 50 years of research before it was finally approved as a vision correction procedure by the FDA in 1999. Since then, with an extremely high success rate, LASIK has been performed on countless individuals worldwide. Like any surgery, LASIK carries risks, but these risks have been minimized, and LASIK is considered to be very safe.

3. LASIK Doesn’t Last

LASIK is a physical correction of eyesight with permanent effects. They do not wear off. What does change is people’s eyes over time. A person is still susceptible to all the changes that can happen with aging, including macular degeneration, cataracts, and more. Because of this, other treatments may be needed years later, such as eyeglasses, cataract removal, and similar.

4. LASIK is Very Painful

Most patients feel little to no pain during LASIK. There may be a sensation of pressure, but since numbing drops are used, the pain level is low to non-existent. Also, the recovery time is very short, with many people returning to their normal routine after just one day.

Contact youroptometrist in Champaign, IL, at Champaign Eye Professionals. We’ll answer all your questions and see if you are a good candidate for LASIK.


The Link Between Eye Strain and Screens

As a child, you may remember hearing your parents warning about straining your eyes. “Don’t strain your eyes,” they’d say as they turned on the lamp while you were reading or urged you to sit back away from the TV while you watched your favorite show. While the concept of straining your eyes may seem like an old wives’ tale, it’s very real. And, in today’s world, filled with screens, it’s become more common than ever before.

What is Eye Strain?

Your optometrist in Champaign, IL, can explain eye strain in detail during your next eye exam. But in general, eye strain is a kind of eye fatigue, where the muscles of your eyes become fatigued due to overexertion. Compare it to holding something heavy over your head for a long time. Eventually, your arm muscles would give out because of the strain. That’s similar to what your eyes are subjected to under certain circumstances.

The Link Between Eye Strain and Screens

Today, we stare at screens for hours on end. We look at our phones while we wait in line, peruse a screen at a restaurant to see what’s on the menu, look at the computer screen at work, then come home and stare at a television screen until bedtime. It’s relentless. 

Most light emitted from screens is blue light, which is especially harmful to the eyes. Worse, studies have shown that people blink less often when staring at screens, increasing eye strain. The situation is so bad that a dedicated term has been coined called “computer vision syndrome.”

Your optometrist in Champaign, IL, at Champaign Eye Professionals, can offer you ways to protect your eyes from eye strain. Come for an eye exam and learn how to reduce or eliminate eye strain. 


Do I Need a Diabetic Eye Exam?

If you struggle to control your blood sugar levels, you may want to schedule an appointment with youreye doctor in Champaign, IL. Diabetes is a disease that’s marked by high levels of sugar in the bloodstream. If uncontrolled, it can damage your vision in several ways.

How Does Diabetes Affect the Eyes? 

There are four different eye diseases linked to diabetes. They include:

  • Diabetic retinopathy
  • Macular edema
  • Glaucoma
  • Cataracts

Each can cause severe or total vision loss. Early intervention, combined with learning how to manage your diabetes effectively, is your best defense against diabetes-related eye conditions. This is why it’s so important to schedule a diabetic eye exam at least once a year if you struggle with diabetes.

What Happens During a Diabetic Eye Exam? 

During your diabetic eye exam, your vision specialist will use special eyedrops that cause your pupils to dilate. This is painless and noninvasive. However, it’s helpful to your ophthalmologist because it allows them to look deep into your eye, as far back as the retina, to see if unusual changes have occurred.

You may also undergo a glaucoma test during your eye exam because patients who have diabetes are at greater risk of developing glaucoma. Sometimes, the glaucoma test is as simple as subjecting your eye to a small puff of air. However, your eye doctor may also decide to do additional tests.

Who Should Have a Diabetic Eye Exam?

Anyone who has type 1, type 2, or gestational diabetes should have a diabetic eye exam. You may be even more at risk if you smoke, if you also have hypertension, or if you’re pregnant. To learn more about the diagnosis ofdiabetes-related eye conditions in Champaign, IL, call Champaign Eye Professionals today.

What to Expect With Cataract Surgery

Each year, millions of people have cataract surgery. The method has been proven to be effective and safe both by scientific studies and by practice. Yet, when it’s you who needscataract surgery in Champaign, IL, it can feel scary. The more you know about what to expect, the better off you’ll feel. Here is some helpful information about cataract surgery.


Your cataract surgery will be scheduled for a particular future date. You’ll be given time to prepare for the surgery and provided with some helpful tips to help get you ready. You should try to eat nutritiously and avoid excessive drinking and smoking. The better condition you’re in physically, the speedier your recovery time will be. You may be asked to stop taking certain medications that could affect the surgery or recovery. You may also be prescribed eye drops that may be used before or after the procedure.

During Surgery

You can expect the surgery to take about an hour. However, you should clear your day because it’s unlikely you’ll want to resume regular activities afterward. You should also plan to have someone drive you home after the surgery. You will be given a sedative to help you relax, and a local anesthetic and a numbing agent will be applied around the eye. During the actual surgery, you’ll be aware of the activity, but you won’t be able to see what theeye doctor in Champaign, IL, is doing.

After Surgery

You’ll have time to rest post-surgery, and you’ll be watched to make sure you’re comfortable. After about 30 minutes, you’ll be fitted with an eye patch over the treated eye and a pair of special sunglasses to wear over the next several weeks. You’ll also be given at-home instructions and given a follow-up appointment.

To learn more about the details of having cataract surgery or to book your appointment, please contact us today.

Are Sunglasses Necessary in Winter?

When you think ofsunglasses in Champaign, IL, you may think of bright days under a searing sun. Sunglasses protect against harmful UV rays. They also make an attractive look that almost everyone finds appealing. But sunglasses aren’t just for summer. Find out why you should wear sunglasses year-round when the weather calls for it.

Understanding Winter Sunlight

The winter in Illinois brings shorter days due to the position of the sun and the Earth’s movement. Because the sun is lower in the sky during winter, your eyes are more likely to be exposed to direct sunlight. It could be while you’re driving, walking the kids home from school, or out for a run. And remember, UV rays exist whether it’s a sunny day or an overcast, wintry day. The danger is still there; it’s just less obvious.

Outdoor Activities

If you enjoy being in the snow in Illinois, you have even more need for sunglasses during this time of year. Snow reflects up to 80% of UV rays, almost doubling your exposure as compared to the summer months. In addition, the snow reflects those rays and can cause what’s known as snow blindness. This phenomenon is just as much—if not more—harmful than a sunburn.

Comfort and Eye Health

The dry air and cold wind in winter act as irritants to the eyes. Sunglasses act as a barrier, helping to keep cold wind and dry air from drying out the eyes. They also help to reduce strain against the winter elements, helping to keep your eyes more comfortable while you enjoy all the outdoor snow activities you and your family enjoy.

Come to visit us to find an attractive pair of sunglasses to protect your eyes. YourChampaign, IL, optometrist has a large selection of sunglasses to suit your style, taste, and budget.

3 Reasons Getting Active Is Good for Your Visual Health

One thing people are often surprised to learn during their routine eye exams in Champaign, IL, is that being physically active can play a role in your visual health. Incorporating physical activity into your routine not only benefits your overall health but also contributes to maintaining good visual health. Regular exercise supports focus, reduces the risk of certain eye conditions, and alleviates strain associated with modern screen-centric lifestyles. Take a closer look at the benefits of physical activity for your eyes below.

1. Enhanced Visual Focus

When you are exercising in some ways, you have to focus on objects ahead of you. For example, if you are running, your focus tends to be several feet in front of you. This focused activity on distant objects helps to strengthen the eye muscles, which may help with visual focus over time.

2. Reduced Risk of Certain Eye Conditions

Regular exercise may actually lower your risks of some pretty serious eye conditions and diseases. For example, aerobic exercise has been shown in clinical studies to lower intraocular pressure. Heightened pressure inside the eye has been linked to the development of glaucoma. Likewise, exercise may be beneficial for conditions like age-related macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy.

3. Deter Eye Strain Due to Too Much Screen Time

When you are up and active, you are not focusing on a screen. Today, people spend more time on screens than ever, and this high level of screen focus can be hard on the eyes. Specifically, it can lead to asthenopia, a condition that stems from prolonged focus on a digital screen.

Work with a Champaign Eye Doctor to Protect Your Visual Health

An active lifestyle serves so many benefits for your visual health, but it is ever-important to work with a Champaign eye doctor to keep tabs on your eyes. Reach out to the team at Champaign Eye Professionals to schedule an appointment.

Eyemed Plans and Your Dependents: What You Should Know

EyeMed plans can be purchased either by a company or an individual. As a vision insurance company, its terms will vary based on the policy coverage. If you have dependents, we’ll look at some of the most common questions about the plans and what they cover.

Does EyeMed cover all dependents?

No. In general, you’re more likely to get coverage for dependents if you have a plan through your employer. Illinois does not have a rule that EyeMed needs to cover dependents, so it’s important to check your plan for details.

What are some standard benefits for dependents on EyeMed?

Benefits will vary based on coverage, but you’re likely to get some coverage for eye exams, eyeglasses, contact lenses, and vision care products (e.g., eyedrops). In some cases, you might get full coverage, while others will have maximum limits and/or copays for each visit.

Is it easy to find information about my dependents through EyeMed?

It depends on what age they are. If they’re under 18, you should be able to see everything through the main portal. If you want to see information for a dependent over 18, you won’t have access to their account. It’s important to work out your communication with each dependent so everyone is on the same page.

Who Accepts EyeMed Plans in Champaign, IL?

If you’re looking for an optometrist in Champaign who will accept your plan, the staff at Champaign Eye Professionals can tell you more about what your benefits entail. We’re here to make sure that you get the most from your insurance, no matter what type of history you or your dependents have. Call us today to get a better handle on how to plan your budget for you and your family.

woman and man in love traveling on bicycles at sunset sea

Is Sunshine Bad for Your Eyes?

No doubt you’ve heard that too much sunshine can have negative effects on your skin, but what about your eyes? As your eye doctor in Champaign, IL, the doctors at Champaign Eye Professionals are committed to helping our patients take good care of their eyes. Here’s what you should know about sunshine and how it affects the eyes.

Is Sunshine Bad for Your Eyes?

Exposure to sunshine helps your body produce vitamin D, which in turn is good for your eyes. However, it doesn’t take that much sunshine exposure to get the daily recommended dose of vitamin D. Too much exposure to sunshine can be bad for your eye health in a variety of ways.

What Happens When Your Eyes Are Exposed to Sunshine?

Too much sunshine can cause the following problems for your eyes:

Cataracts. This condition, caused by a yellowing of the lens of the eye, can cause your vision to become cloudy. Left untreated, cataracts can eventually cause blindness.

Cancer of the eyelid. Eyelids that are frequently exposed to sunshine can develop cancer over time. Watch for signs like a bump on the eyelid that changes shape or bleeds, irregular swelling of the eyelid, persistent redeye or loss of your eyelashes.

Sunburn of the eyes. Corneal sunburn, also called photokeratitis, is a condition that occurs when the eyes are exposed to intense sunshine. Spending a day on the water, in the snow or on the beach can lead to photokeratitis.

How Can You Protect Your Eyes From Too Much Sun?

If you have prescription lenses, prescription sunglasses in Champaign, IL can help you protect your eyes from the sun. Get your sunglasses from a trusted source in Champaign, IL. At Champaign Eye Professionals, we stock a wide range of brands in our showroom. Call today to make an appointment.


4 Winter Eye Care Tips

As the weather turns colder, it’s important to take care of your eyes. Changes in weather can impact your eye health and comfort. Knowing how to ensure that your eyes will stay healthy this winter is important. As your eye doctor in Champaign, IL, we can help! Here’s what to know about how to take care of your eyes as the weather gets cool.

1. Use Over the Counter Eye Drops

Sometimes winter weather can lead to dry eye, a condition that occurs when the eyes don’t make enough tears. Using over the counter eye drops can help alleviate discomfort from dry eye. Eye drops are sold in pharmacies, convenience stores and grocery stores. Keep eye drops on hand to keep your eyes comfortable if you start experiencing the effects of dry eye.

2. Wear Sunglasses

Glare on snow can make seeing difficult when you’re driving and participating in outdoor activities. Don’t put your sunglasses away, just because it’s winter! Keep your sunglasses with you in a case, and put them on when spending time outside.

3. Protect Yourself from Dry Eye

Aside from using over the counter eye drops, there are other things you can do to protect yourself from dry eye. Run a humidifier in your home to keep the air moist and comfortable. Avoid using your blow dryer on high heat; use a cooler setting. If you continue to experience the effects of dry eye, talk to your eye doctor.

4. Make Your Annual Eye Appointment

If you wear corrective lenses, you should see the eye doctor on a regular basis to get an updated prescription. If you haven’t yet been to the eye doctor for your routine eye exam in Champaign, IL, contact Champaign Eye Professionals to make an appointment.