The Different Parts of the Eye, Defined

When your Champaign, Illinois eye doctor is examining your eyes and talking about the cornea, pupil, optic nerve, and other parts, you may be wondering what these various parts are and the roles they play in helping you see. To help you gain a better understanding of your eyes, let’s talk in-depth about your eyes.


The colored portion of your eye, the iris consists of fibrovascular tissue known as the stroma. Thanks to the stroma connecting to a muscle, your pupils can dilate and contract.


A transparent structure inside your eye, the lens can curve both outward and inward. Also able to refract light, a lens that features an irregular curve can result in astigmatism.

Optic Nerve

Arguably the most important part of your eye, the optic nerve is responsible for carrying the electrical impulses from the retina’s rods and cones to your brain’s visual cortex. Essentially, if you did not have a functioning optic nerve, you would have no sight.


While the iris is the colored portion of your eye, the pupil is the black circle that’s in the center of your iris, and its job is to regulate how much light actually enters your eye. In case you didn’t know, your pupil looks black because its tissue absorbs the majority of the light that passes through it.


Covering the entire back surface of your eye, the retina is a sensory membrane. When images are picked up by your lens, they are sent to the retina, which then converts them into signals that are sent from the optic nerve to your brain.

While you now know more about various parts of your eye, never be afraid to speak up and ask your eye doctor in Champaign, Illinois questions you have during or after your eye exam.

What is Nystagmus?

Nystagmus is an eye condition that is readily detectable. It results in the eyes moving rapidly and uncontrollably. The movement can be back and forth in a horizontal motion, up and down or even circular. Nystagmus can sometimes be treated, and other times it is not treatable. In some cases, a person may even grow out of the condition.

How is Nystagmus Diagnosed?

Nystagmus can be detected simply by watching how a person focuses on an object. However, a professional diagnosis by an eye care professional is needed in order to come up with a treatment plan. Certain diagnostic procedures can be performed, such as recording the eye movement, conducting an ear exam, conducting a neurological exam, CT scan or an MRI. These tests will help to determine the possible causes, as well as treatment options for the patient.

What Causes Nystagmus?

Nystagmus has several possible causes, which is why professional diagnostic tests are so important. Potential causes include:

  • Genetic history
  • Being an albino
  • Meniere’s disease
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Stroke
  • Head injury
  • Certain prescription medications
  • Substance abuse

Nystagmus often appears in infanthood, in which cases the cause is likely hereditary or congenital.

If you or a loved one suspects nystagmus, the first step is to contact your eye doctor in Champaign, Ilinois. Depending upon what the eye doctor is able to determine, you may be referred to another eye specialist or a physician. Because vision is usually affected because of nystagmus, you will almost certainly need some kind of corrective lenses, such as contact lenses, sclera lenses or eyeglasses. Your eye doctor can assist with this.

Certain treatments may be available for nystagmus. In rare cases, surgery might be an option. Contact your eye doctor in Champaign, Ilinois today to get answers to your questions and assistance with dealing with nystagmus.

Surprising Benefits of Colored Contact Lenses

When you’re ready to consider contact lenses in Champaign, Illinois, you should know that your choices include more than just hard contact lenses and soft contact lenses. You could also opt for colored contact lenses, when have grown in popularity over the years. Colored contact lenses are now all the rage. If you’re wondering if these are right for you, here are some surprising benefits you’ll get with colored contact lenses.

Increased Self-Confidence

When you wear colored contact lenses, you’ll find your self-confidence increases dramatically. After all, once you insert your lenses, look in the mirror, and see beautifully-colored eyes staring back at you, your self-esteem will hit an all-time high. Best of all, others will notice the change as well.

Easier to Find When Dropped

If you have had standard contact lenses over the years and dropped them from time to time, you know all too well just how hard they can be to locate on the floor or elsewhere. However, you won’t have that problem with colored contact lenses. Rather than seemingly becoming invisible once they hit the floor, their vibrant colors will stand out, immediately alerting you to their location.

Colors Can Match Your Outfits

Finally, if you are into fashion, having colored contact lenses in Champaign, IL can let you become a fashion trendsetter among your family, friends, and coworkers. Once you discover how easy it can be to match your contact lenses to whatever outfit you wish to wear on a particular day, you’ll have everyone you know eager to see just how much you will be styling and profiling while at work, school, or elsewhere.

If you’re eager to find out even more wonderful benefits about colored contact lenses, schedule a consultation with your eye doctor in Champaign, IL to see if they are a perfect fit for you and your lifestyle.

Why Do the Whites of My Eyes Get Red?

If you’ve ever looked in the mirror and noticed your eyes looked to be very bloodshot, you may have wondered what happened. If so, you’re not alone, as many people regularly find the whites of their eyes turning red. As to why this occurs, here are some of the most common reasons.

Eye Strain

In today’s world where you probably spend many hours per day staring at a computer screen or your smartphone, eye strain has become much more common than in years past. If you think this may be the reason for your red eyes, try spending a little less time on your devices, or at least take an occasional break to give your eyes a quick rest.

Dry Eyes

When you have a chronic lack of moisture on the surface of your eyes, you may develop a condition known as dry eyes. When this happens, the result will be constant eye irritation and inflammation, often resulting in your eyes getting red. To help with this problem, you can use either over-the-counter artificial tears or perhaps have special drops prescribed by your eye doctor for dry eyes in Champaign, Illinois.

Chemical Exposure

If you love to go swimming in pools that have chlorine added to the water, the exposure your eyes get to the chlorine itself will often lead to bloodshot eyes. If you can, try wearing goggles when you swim to prevent this from occurring.

Dry Air

Finally, if you live in an area where the air is dry, find yourself flying in airplanes, or work in an office building where the humidity is very low, each of these situations can dry out your eyes and make the whites turn red.

If you are experiencing continuing problems with red eyes, meet with your Champaign, Illinois eye doctor to discuss your problem and get an accurate diagnosis.