How to Find the Best Sunglasses for Cataract Prevention

By the time people reach 80 years old, at least half of them either have cataracts or have undergone cataract surgery. Many who show up for cataract treatment in Champaign, IL are surprised to learn that UV exposure has a lot to do with cataract development. With this in mind, finding the right sunglasses for cataract prevention becomes really important. Take a look at a few tips to find the best sunglasses to lower your risk of cataracts.

1. UV-Blocking Capabilities

When shopping for sunglasses to protect yourself from cataracts, you will want optimal UV protection. Make sure the sunglasses protect against both UVA and UVB rays. The best sunglasses can offer up to 100 percent UV protection.

2. Embedded UV Blocking Build

Sunglasses can have a UV-protective tint, or they can have the actual UV protection built right into the lens. The latter is going to offer the best level of protection. Further, polarized lenses are a good option because they have slightly reflective lenses that help to reduce glare from the sun.

3. Larger Frames

Sunglasses should always protect the front of your eyes. However, sunlight and damaging UV rays can also slip in around the sides of the frames. The goal should be to have glasses that keep light out from all angles. Therefore, larger frames with lenses that fit closer to your eyes can be the best option.

4. Proper Fit

Talk to a Champaign, IL Eye Doctor for Advice

Even though cataracts are common, they are also preventable in most cases. If you would like to know more about your risks of cataracts or if you believe you have cataracts, a Champaign eye doctor can help. Reach out to us at Champaign Eye Professionals to schedule an appointment.

Often Overlooked Risk Factors for Cataracts

Before you have to seek cataract treatment in Champaign, IL, you may be able to take steps to lower your risks enough that you never need the procedure. Most people face several risk factors for cataract development, but most people also don’t know all about the risks. Take a look at some of the most common, but also commonly overlooked, risks for cataracts.

High-Sodium Diet

Research has shown that people who eat a diet with a lot of salt see an increased risk of cataract development with an actual ratio of 2.4. Unfortunately, a lot of people don’t realize that excess salt intake has anything to do with cataract development. This is a perfect reason to keep your sodium intake in check.

Excessive UV Exposure

When your eye doctor tells you that wearing sunglasses is important to protect your visual health, this is important advice to heed for sure. However, what you may not know is excessive UV exposure can actually heighten your risks of having cataracts. So, when you head outdoors, be sure to wear good UV-protectant sunglasses.


In one study, smokers had a 21 percent increase in the risk of eventually having to undergo cataract surgery. Smoking in itself puts your vision at risk, possibly even increasing your risks of other eye health conditions like glaucoma, macular degeneration, and more. Therefore, protecting your vision is an extremely important reason to stop smoking.

Discuss Cataract Risks with a Champaign, IL Optometrist

Even though cataract surgery is highly effective for treating cataracts, it is always best to monitor your risks and take preventative steps. A Champaign, IL eye doctor can help you pin down the risks that are most possible in your personal health situation. Reach out to us at Champaign Eye Professionals to schedule an appointment.

Common Eye Conditions: Cataracts

Many changes happen to our bodies as we grow older, and some affect our vision. One common condition that’s often brought about by normal aging is cataracts. If you’re experiencing sudden changes in your vision, a trip to your eye doctor in Champaign, IL, is recommended.

What Is a Cataract?

When a cloudy film forms over the lens of your eye, you may be diagnosed with a cataract. Cataracts affect your vision and make it difficult to perform routine tasks, such as driving, reading, or using your computer. If you have a cataract, you’ll want to have it removed so vision can be restored.

How Do I Know If I Have Cataracts?

If you have cataracts, you may not understand why it’s becoming more and more difficult to see clearly, but you’ll definitely know something is changing with your vision. The symptoms of cataracts include:

  • Dim or blurry vision
  • Difficulty seeing at night
  • Seeing ‘halos’ around bright lights
  • Being bothered by glare

You may have one symptom, or many, depending on how far your cataract has advanced. The good news is that this is a fairly common condition your eye doctor can diagnose and treat.

Are Cataracts Easily Treated?

Usually, simple surgery is required to treat cataracts. Cataract surgery involves having the cloudy lens in your eye removed and replaced with a new artificial lens. This surgery is usually performed on an outpatient basis, meaning you won’t need a hospital stay. You will need to have someone drive you home after your surgery, however. You may also experience mild discomfort for a few days following your procedure, but afterward, you’ll be able to see much better.

To learn more about diagnosis and treatment of cataracts in Champaign, IL, contact Champaign Eye Professionals today.